Leaving the Old Chapter, Going to the New Journey, and Moving towards the Future - UV-EB Curing vigorously promotes a new pattern of large-scale development

Leaving the Old Chapter, Going to the New Journey, and Moving towards the Future - UV-EB Curing vigorously promotes a new pattern of large-scale development


Yutu jumps and bid farewell to the old year, Xianglong soars and welcomes the new year! To thank all employees for their hard work over the past year and welcome a brand new year, on the morning of February 4th, Youyigu held the 2023 Work Summary and Commendation Conference and 2024 Work Deployment. Everyone gathered together to welcome the New Year.
2023 is an extraordinary year in the development history of Youyigu. The company has actively responded to various difficulties and challenges based on the work tasks and goals set at the beginning of the year. Through the joint efforts of all cadres and employees, the company's production and operation are in good condition, and the enterprise continues to maintain a healthy development momentum.

Looking back on 2023
Advancing in Adversity: Resilience and Recovery in Flood Disasters.

On July 31, 2023, Zhuozhou experienced a once-in-a-century catastrophic flood disaster, and the company was severely affected. With the strong support of leaders at all levels of the Party and government, functional departments, and friends from all walks of life, all leaders and cadres worked diligently and effectively, exerting their subjective initiative. All employees were not afraid of hardship, worked day and night, and fought continuously, achieving resumption of work and production in just 14 days, It demonstrates the strong team cohesion, combat effectiveness, and efficient collaborative spirit of Youyi Guren.
Outlook for 2024
Technological innovation and market expansion

UV/EB curing technology is known as a "new green process technology for the 21st century". It uses ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) radiation curing hot melt adhesive coating, without the need for supporting solvent recovery facilities and heating facilities. It has advantages such as safety, efficiency, energy conservation, low cost, and low investment. With over 30 years of technical services and experience accumulation in the field of adhesive tape, Youyigu not only provides customers with high-quality UV/EB curing coating equipment and UV/EB curing hot melt adhesive, but also meets customers' diverse technological needs in product research and development innovation, quality upgrading, process improvement, energy conservation and emission reduction, and provides a complete set of cost-effective solutions, which will greatly enhance the international competitiveness of China's hot melt adhesive industry. In the face of the future, Youyigu will continue to uphold the concept of innovative development and mutual promotion, continuously promote the application of UV/EB curing technology in the field of adhesive products, actively promote green and low-carbon development models, and be willing to actively cooperate with domestic and foreign peers, use new technologies and processes to develop new products, and jointly create a more green and environmentally friendly adhesive product industry. To achieve greater value with fewer consumables and further improve our environmental footprint.

Farewell to the old chapter, embark on a new journey, and move towards the future

Creating a beautiful new chapter

In the new year, Youyigu will strive to overcome various difficulties on the road of progress with a more full enthusiasm for work and a firm courage to forge ahead, and make greater contributions to achieving better and faster development of the company. I believe that with the joint efforts of all employees, the company will surely usher in a more brilliant tomorrow!